地球圍繞太陽公轉的軌道是橢圓形的,每年 1 月離太陽最近。光從太陽到地球的時間大約 8 分 19 秒。
組成太陽的物質大多是氣體,其中氫氣佔約71.3%、氦氣佔約 27%,其他元素佔 2%。
太陽核心的溫度極高,達到 1500 萬攝氏度,壓力也極大。
The Sun is the nearest star to Earth and is the centre of the solar system.
The Earth moves in an elliptical path called an orbit around the Sun. The Earth is nearest to the Sun in the month of January every year. It takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds for the light from the Sun to reach Earth.
The Sun is made almost entirely of hydrogen gas (71.3 %),helium gas (27 %) and other elements (2 %).
The temperature of the Sun is very high, about 15 million degree celsius. The atmospheric pressure in the Sun is also very high.
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